While we’ve managed to keep a steady flow of blogsrelated to early wagons and stagecoaches, it’s always a bit tougher to keep arein on the overall site. Overthe last few months, we’ve been working on ways to share even more of who weare and what we do. From helping othercollectors and businesses with special projects to digging up all-but-forgottenfacts, it all boils down to having a passion for locating, sharing, andpreserving some of the rarest wheeled history America ever produced. So, whether it’s period photography withexceptionally rare subject matter, wagon maker ledgers holding insights intosome of the heaviest travel west, exclusive early advertising and industrybusiness materials, or even the rolling works of art themselves, the 19th and early 20th century world of western vehicles has a familiar homewithin the Wheels That Won The West® Archives.
Last week, one of our photographer friends stoppedby to help us capture a few shots of a small part of our collection. We’ll share several outtakes from thosesessions in a future blog. In themeantime, some of the new photography will be used to help profile theexclusive and scarce materials within our files. Other happenings here include the appearanceof our latest article within the October 2013 issue of Farm Collectormagazine. This one will center on a halfdozen early wagon makers from St. Louis. Since next year will mark the 250th Anniversary of the city’sfounding, the piece should serve as a suitable tribute.
In the coming months, we’ll be visiting a number oflocations throughout the U.S. as we continue our search for rare wheeledtreasures. With a fast-paced day job andno shortage of extra ‘irons in the fire,’ Volume 2 of the Borrowed Time bookseries has slowed a bit. This profile onPeter Schuttler is definitely worth the wait, though, as it contains a fairamount of previously unpublished imagery and information. We have a few additional company historieswe’re working on and even a pair of additional book possibilities that havecome our way. We’ll share more as itdevelops. In the meantime, drop us an emailand let us know what’s going on in your part of the world. We look forward to hearing from you.