Over the last four years, our blogs havebeen filled with historic information on wagons, stagecoaches, and westernvehicles as well as activities of a few collectors and modern day builders. We’ve even profiled some of the pieces from ourown collection. I can’t remember a time,though, when I’ve pointed out vehicles we have for sale. So, if you’ll permit me a littlecommercialism, I thought I’d highlight several unique pieces we have available.
WeberWagon Gear
With a history dating to before theCalifornia Gold Rush, the Weber Wagon Company is one of the more historic andpopular wooden wagons today. Like manybrands, though, the vast majority of the earliest pieces have disappeared. Time and neglect have taken their toll.
In 1904, International HarvesterCorporation (IHC) purchased the Weber Wagon firm and immediately capitalized onthe company’s quality, tenure, and reputation. Production was significantly increased to the point that most of theWeber wagons found these days will date to the IHC era. If you’ve ever searched for an original Weberbuilt before 1904, you know what I’m talking about. Legendary pieces constructed prior to InternationalHarvester’s buyout are out there but – they are few and far between.
As part of our study of early wagons,we’re always on the lookout for these earlier works. It’s an important element in our overall mission. We’re committed to locating and helpingpreserve the most historic examples of early companies. Along the way, we’ve been fortunate to uncovera number of seldom-seen-survivors. Regrettably,we can’t keep them all (at least that’s what my wife tells me). To that point, we recently came across a highwheel, narrow tire gear built by Henry Weber prior to the company’s purchase byIHC. Dating to 1901, this piece is guaranteedoriginal and is an exceptionally rare barn find. It’s in decent shape for its age but willneed some felloe work as might be expected. Overall, it would be a great period piece for a Weber collection,turn-of-the-century chuck wagon, or other historic purpose.
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This 1901 wagon gear is a scarce example of a Weber wagon built prior to the acquisition of the firm by International Harvester Corporation. |
At 114 years old, this running gear isone of a very few pre-IHC Weber wagons known to exist. As would be expected for an earlier piece, therear wheels are taller, measuring 54 inches in height while the front are 44inches. Distance between bolsters is 38inches. The track width is 56 inches andthe tire width is 1 5/8 inches. Theconstruction is through-bolted and it features William Henry Weber’s (founder’sson) newly patented reach clamp fitted to the rear bolster. Skein size is 3 1/4 inches x 10 inches. Elsewhere, the axles are fitted with steeltrusses and the rocking bolster was factory equipped with bolster ironextensions.
If this set of wheels sounds like somethingyou’ve been looking for, drop us a line. We’d be happy to discuss it with you.
In addition to the Weber gear, we alsohave a few other overstocks…
1. PeterSchuttler wagon – 1923, high wheel, narrow tire, triple box and seat – a nice,solid wagon.
2. Springfieldwagon – Late 1920’s, high wheel, narrow tire, triple box and seat – very goodwagon & wheels.
3. Springfieldwagon gear – 1940’s, low wheel, 42” bolsters.
4. AmericanWagon Company – Patented folding wagon box, 38” width, late-teens to early20’s. Very hard to find these.
5. Bainwagon – will date to mid teens, high wheel, narrow tire, double box and seat.
6. Wagongear built in Shenandoah, Iowa – lots of paint remaining.
7. Super-raresideboards from a Pennsylvania Conestoga wagon. 1850’s or earlier. Toolbox hasthe initials “I.K” stamped into it.
8. 1901Weber mentioned in article above.
Beyond the vehicles above, we haveapproximately twenty other vehicles representing brands such as Studebaker,Springfield, Florence, Birdsell, Gestring, Owensboro, Schuttler, Weber, Nissen,American, Cooper, Stoughton, Weber & Damme, and more. While most are not for sale, we dooccasionally make some available for purchase.
Have a great week!
Please Note: As with each of our blog writings, all imagery and text is copyrighted with All Rights Reserved. The material may not be broadcast, published, rewritten, or redistributed without prior written permission from David E. Sneed, Wheels That Won The West® Archives.